We translate nearly everything including standard personal documents (i.e. birth certificates, diplomas).
Follow the upload, translate, deliver process to submit your request and receive a quote.
.23 - .36¢ a word depending on language pair
$50 minimum charge for documents with a word count of 220 or less
$25 per additional page for standard personal documents with more than one page
$25 expedited fee to complete documents in 48 hours or less

- A scanned version or image of the original standard Personal document (pdf. png. jpg etc.)
- An electronic file that is not an image
- Use our price calculator for a cost estimate. All you need is the number of words.

- Select Source Language
- Select Target Language
- We use humans to translate nearly everything... except those ineligible stamps and untranslatable words (they do exist!)

- Download from your online account
- Regular Mail
- Required for notarized documents
- Shipping charges apply - Stop by and say Hi! Pick up a hard copy at our office M-F 8:30am-4:30pm. 201 Bleecker Street Utica, NY 13501