Tune in, turn it up, join us! We hire translators on a continuing basis. All positions are as freelance translators. No full time positions are available.

Job Requirements
- 2-3 years of translation experience
- Excellent written and spoken communication skills, including high-level fluency in both English and target language to transmit information in a clear, accurate and effective manner
- A university degree or higher. Additional experience in specialized fields is an advantage
- Proficiency using Internet software (Web browsers and email)
- Ability to translate 250 words p. hour, 2,000 words p. day, 10,000 words p. week.
- Proficiency with Translation Memory software – such as Wordfast, MemoQ, SDL Trados, XTM, Across, Xbench, Déjà Vu – is an advantage
All applicants are subject to an interview process. Applicants will be asked to complete sample translations and a language test unless proof of language proficiency, language testing, or a nationally/internationally recognized certificate is provided.
TONE is also looking for skilled reviewers and proofreaders. Qualifications are the same as a translator. All reviewers and proofreaders should have an understanding of their role in the translation process. To join our team as a proofreader or editor please use the Apply Today online form.
Creating opportunity in a world on the move.
Are you a current or former immigrant or refugee? We value the experience you have from your place of origin. If you are interested in working with us as a translator, but do not think you meet our qualifications or have the right professional skills, please contact us. TONE represents a chance to begin again, have choice, freedom of expression and a voice.