TONE follows the translate, edit, and proofreading (TEP) process for all translation requests.

Our Process
- First a document is translated, following translation specifications, from the source text to the target text.
- Next, human translators are used for all requests, not machines. Translators use computer assisted translation (CAT) tools, such as MemoQ, for accuracy, quality assurance, and term management.
- Then, the document is sent to another qualified translator for editing and review.
- Source documents with technical, industry specific, or complex language will receive an additional review.
- Prior to delivery all translations receive a final review and are approved by a Project Manager.
Quality Assurance
Our Quality Assurance process is more than just translating, editing, and proofreading. During the project initiation phase we work with a requestor to prepare a document for translation, create or refine glossaries, provide background materials, and decide on specifications for the translation project. We work with organizations that are unfamiliar with the translation process and explain the necessary steps to achieve a quality translation.
During the execution phase of a project a translator consults all project specifications and reviews any background material or glossaries provided. They translate the document from the source text to the target text following agreed upon parameters. When the translation is edited, all specifications, glossaries, and background documents are provided to the editor to inform their review.
Source documents with technical, industry specific, or complex language will receive an additional review. For these projects a third translator will review the documents for completeness and readability.
A Project Manager conducts a final review of all translations before they are delivered. Project Managers check formatting and project specifications.
During the closure part of the process a requestor receives the documents and reviews them to ensure all project specifications were met. Any noted errors in requested specifications or formatting are corrected at no cost to the client.