Burmese Languages Now Available: Chin, Kachin, Rohingya
Tone is now offering translation services in multiple Chin dialects including Haka, Falam, Mizo and Zomi. Kachin and Rohingya are also available. Tone already provided translation service for Burmese, Karen, and Karenni. In addition to translation captioning, voice recording, transcreation, localization, InDesign/Photoshop/Illustrator DTP and transcription services are also available.
Translators Beware - Scam Involving a FAKE Domain
Please be careful if you receive a job request with a domain similar to ours except that it is missing the letter "a" from the word "translate". It looks like "tonetrnslate.com". This is a scam and a fraud. Please report this to us and check to ensure the job is legitimate.
Tone Trends and the Year Ahead
This installment of Tone News, is going to take it to the local level. We are exploring our own trends from 2018 and making some predictions for 2019.
Beignet Done That! #ATA59 NOLA a Success for Team Tone
@Tonetranslate 's memories from four days spent at the American Translators Association 59th Annual Conference (#ATA59) in New Orleans, Louisiana (aka NOLA) from October 24-27. The conference was attended by Translation Manager Shana Pughe Dean and Translation Coordinator Kyi Kyi Min. Derek Nekritz, Translation Administrative Coordinator, made a voice cameo for our presentation. Whether in person or in spirit, all of our team attended.
Networking Nearly Everywhere: On the Web & On the Road
We're reaching the fourth and final quarter of 2018, but that doesn't mean that we have lost any steam, in fact we're just picking up speed- both in bandwidth and mileage! Join us in today's blog to find out the latest goings-on in Tone!
A New “tone” for a New Year
Each celebration of the Gregorian new year gives us all an opportunity to reflect on the past, plan for the future, and assess our values. Please join us in welcoming a new member to our team, Derek Nekritz. Derek will be joining Team Tone in the position of Translation Assistant Coordinator. Create understanding and opportunity this year by requesting a translation to support your employees, your consumers, your clients, and yourself.
Tone - Turn it up(date)!
Welcome to the quarterly tone up(date)! We thank you for tuning in to learn what tone has been doing for the first three months of 2017. We are offering new languages, new services, new expertise, and are making new appearances!
Tone Honors International Translation Day by Participating in Proz Virtual Conference
September 30th (today!) is recognized as International Translation Day! To honor International Translation Day, tone is participating in the Proz.com Virtual Conference happening all day today. Tone will be presenting this afternoon on Languages of Limited Diffusion: Translation Trials and Tribulations with a focus on the Burmese (Myanmar) Language.
Tone would like to thank our team of translators. Tone translators you make the translation of nearly everything possible.
Tone Featured in Downtown Utica "Top 5 Tuesday"
Tone was just featured on the Downtown Utica Facebook page in their recurring spotlight “Top 5 Tuesday”, that highlights business located in downtown Utica, NY. Like us and Share us with your friends and business associates.
Tone on the Road
During the next few weeks Tone is on the road, in the air, on a train, and everywhere, attending conferences & meetings. Check the dates and cities below to see if we will be in a location near you! As a Tone partner and a consumer of translation products there are several ways our involvement in these events benefit you.
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